Plaza Fills

Elastizell Lightweight Cellular Concrete is a type of lightweight concrete that is made with a foaming agent, which creates a matrix of discrete air cells within the concrete mixture. This cellular matrix, in lieu of conventional aggregate, gives the concrete its lightweight properties, making it ideal for use in situations where weight is a concern.

One such situation where weight is a concern is in plaza construction. Plazas are outdoor spaces that are often built on top of new or existing structures, such as parking garages or other buildings. In many plaza applications, it is necessary to create architectural landscape features with slopes or elevation differences to accommodate planting areas, fountains, reflecting pools, and various hardscapes. In these cases, the weight of the construction materials used must be carefully considered to ensure that the structure is able to support any additional weight.

By using Elastizell Lightweight Cellular Concrete as a fill material, it is possible to reduce the overall weight of the plaza system construction, achieve the desired strength of acceptable sub-base material and eliminate the difficulty associated with placing and compacting traditional fill materials over a waterproofing system.

  • Weight Reducing. Reduces vertical loads helping decrease the required thickness of the structure necessary to support the plaza system. Elastizell Lightweight Cellular Concrete weighs four times less than conventional fill material.
  • Elastizell Lightweight Cellular Concrete, when coupled with lightweight planting media, can allow the landscape architect to achieve topographic relief for planting or sloped grassed areas without overloading the substructure.
  • Ease of installation and placement. Elastizell can be configured to various geometries with simple forming and is conveyed into place through a pump line eliminating construction equipment traffic on the plaza waterproofing.
  • Internal cohesion means no active earth pressure and results in little to no lateral force which greatly simplifies the design and construction of many architectural landscape features such as small retaining walls, pools, or seating areas.
  • Closed-cell cellular concrete does not absorb water.
  • Open-cell cellular concrete is free draining.
  • Accelerated installation rate.
  • Improved fill uniformity.
  • No compaction or compaction testing is required.
  • Excellent freeze/ thaw resistance.
  • Not susceptible to failure due to hydrocarbons like synthetic lightweight fills.
  • Can be used with various architectural landscape features including hardscapes, Segmental Retaining Walls, Gravity Walls, lightweight soil mixes, planting areas, irrigation lines, drainage structures, electrical conduits, lighting features, fountains, and reflecting pools.
  • Elastizell Systems' ability to expertly mix on-site, requires only bulk deliveries which reduce truck traffic by up to 90 percent.

Elastizell Systems has provided exceptional lightweight concrete applications and solutions for more than four decades.

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